The Art of Seeing Each Other More Deeply

Our bodies communicate secrets that can bring us into deeper connection with others. They also offer us keys to facilitating peak performance, personal growth, healing, and personal mastery. The way we move, the way we express excitement, the way we embody our emotions — from joy to sorrow — all reveal clues about the richness of who we are, and how we move and offer ourselves in the world.

Start seeing others more deeply today!

Sign up to receive 5 FREE “Foundations of Body Reading: Somatic Awareness" Mini Class and get more information about this powerful course from Dr. Jeff "KD" Meyers M.D., L.Ac.

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In this experiential seminar, we will explore the relationship of body structure and function as bio-psycho-spiritual phenomena. We will observe and experience how body structure and constitution/personality style/character affect every aspect of who we are, and how our patterns and conditioning manifest styles of being in the world, along with states of presence and awareness, that shape the course of our lives—including how we move toward balance or “dis-ease.”


Foundations of Body Reading: The Art of Seeing Each Other More Deeply is an opportunity for yoga instructors and students, body workers, mental health professionals, acupuncturists, dancers, somatic educators, and anyone with a keen interest in our embodied human-ness to explore the roles of seeing and awareness in understanding the body.

What is Body Reading?

Body reading, or somato-typology is a useful tool for understanding the integration of mind and body, psyche, soma, and spirit. In this seminar we will review the historical and experiential foundations of body reading. We will then look at a number of models of “reading” bodies including Ayurvedic models, Western constitutional models, Oriental models, characterological models, autonomic models, reflex models, organ system models, and others.

Learn my 3-step method—the “O-N-E” Way—for developing skills in body reading/discernment/somatic mastery will be presented and explored. Through practicing the “O-N-E” Way and using photographs and live examples, these models will then be compared, contrasted, critiqued, and integrated to reveal new ways of seeing and assessment which will offer participants a greater understanding of themselves and others, and offer an opportunity to develop a truly individualized and personal approach to personal growth and working with others. For therapists, teachers, and practitioners, this will allow you to work less and achieve more in your practice.

Practice sessions in seeing and expanding discernment and awareness will be emphasized!

As A Result Of Taking This Course, Participants Will:

  • Deepen your capacity for connection with yourself and others.

  • Experience enhanced body awareness, enhanced capacity for discernment, and an enhanced quality of seeing.

  • Develop skills for seeing and understanding the relationship of body structure and tissue layers to states of awareness and emotional/psychological states.

  • Describe and demonstrate basic and advanced principles and techniques for assessing body structure in relation to function and behavior.

  • Apply specific, simple, yet powerful methods for “reading” bodies and constitutions to simplify assessment and facilitate health and wellness. (Including the "O-N-E Way" Method of constitutional assessment).

  • Describe the foundations and basic principles of body reading from within a number of somato-typological and constitutional models.

  • Evaluate constitution using a number of somato-typological and constitutional models.

  • Develop enhanced observational skills and increased capacity for discernment.

Dr. Jeff "KD" Meyers, M.D., L.Ac.





Dr. Jeff "KD" Meyers has an extensive background in rehabilitation medicine and holistic approaches to medicine, the arts, and spirituality.

He received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He completed his post-doctoral training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania and has practiced Western and integrative medicine sine 1992.

He served as co-director of Dharma Mittra’s “Life of a Yogi” Teacher Training. Dr. Meyers’s medical practice specializes in musculoskeletal medicine and pain management, and he has led a multi-disciplinary team focused on integrative approaches to pain management.

For more than 25 years, he has taught internationally on topics related to rehabilitation medicine, stress management/resilience, yoga/Ayurveda, acupuncture, somato-typology/constitutional diagnosis/body reading, meditation, and somatic practices, and has expertise in the relationship of archetypes and music to expanded consciousness.



“KD” Jeff Meyers, M.D., L.Ac.





He has an extensive background in rehabilitation medicine and holistic approaches to medicine, the arts, and spirituality.

He received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He completed his post-doctoral training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania and has practiced Western and integrative medicine for over 25 years.

He served as co-director of Dharma Mittra’s “Life of a Yogi” Teacher Training. Dr. Meyers’s medical practice specializes in musculoskeletal medicine and pain management, and he has led a multi-disciplinary team focused on integrative approaches to pain management.

He teaches internationally on topics related to rehabilitation medicine, stress management/resilience, yoga/Ayurveda, acupuncture, somato-typology/constitutional diagnosis/body reading, meditation, and somatic practices, and has expertise in the relationship of archetypes and music to expanded consciousness.

He received a Certificate in Psychedelic Therapies and Research from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and completed ketamine-assisted psychotherapy training through multiple programs. He has a certificate in Family Constellations from the Bert Hellinger Institute—USA.

For over 25 years he has led seminars and classes that explore the interrelationship of biology and consciousness to the arts, sciences, and spirituality. In 2009 he was graced with the blessings of the Divine Mother who gifted him with the spiritually healing power of her Song.